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Casting Our Cares on God

Writer's picture: Tina HugginsTina Huggins

Have you ever gone fishing? I did as a child and I was never very fond of it because I didn’t want to put the worms on the hook. Just too squirmy for me! Then, I had to sit and wait and wait which sometimes felt like forever. Suddenly my line would begin to tug, letting me know that I had something exciting on the other end of the pole.

Often, I got so tired of waiting that I didn’t want to fish anymore. Do you find it hard to wait? When we were little we had to wait for a trip, wait for our birthday, wait for Santa.

Then we grew up....and we are all still waiting for something to happen on the end of our line of life. Waiting to hear about getting into college, passing boards, finding out results from a medical test and waiting for a job offer. Whether we are waiting for something or worrying about something it is all the same. The longer we wait for an answer the more angst we often feel.

The other day in my quiet time, I was reading 1Peter 5: 6-7.

The Amplified Bible says "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God [set aside self-righteous pride], so that He may exalt you at the appropriate time, 7 casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].

I wake up every morning and give my cares to God before I start my day... and for some reason, I later pick up one of those worries and carry it with me until He reminds me that I can let them go because He has my heart and my back. Casting our cares and concerns over to God allows Him to be in charge.

Over the years, I have seen God close doors that broke my heart and later open a doors that were better than I could ever imagine. Controlling my life and holding on to what I wanted was preventing me from receiving some of the best gifts that God had for me.

When we give our fears, our loves and our concerns to God, I know He gives us so much more in return. He provides us with insight and the ability to look at a challenge or a worry differently which helps us better handle a situation, resolve a problem, or accept an unexpected outcome. Today, I challenge you to cast your cares and issues, even your life...towards heaven. This will be the catch of a lifetime! Someone who always and forever will have your back and your heart.

Happy Sunday!





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